Praxinoscope (2013) is an animation created with the help of a spinning drum. The drum is equipped with 18 mirrors set up on the inside of it. When the praxinoscope rotates the mirrors create the illusion of movement.
The praxinoscope is a physical animation machine that reproduces a sharp image when it spinns. Together the mirrors work as a shutter, which prevents motion blurness.
Praxinoscope #1 Santa Ana
(2013), Santa Ana Zegache, Interactive sculpture. Pinhole camera photos, rusted tin, cedar wood, bicycle ball-bearings. 120 cm diameter. 150 cm high., Edition: 1
Praxinoscope (2013) is an animation created with the help of a spinning drum. The drum is equipped with 18 mirrors set up on the inside of it. When the praxinoscope rotates the mirrors create the illusion of movement.
The praxinoscope is a physical animation machine that reproduces a sharp image when it spinns. Together the mirrors work as a shutter, which prevents motion blurness.
Praxinoscope #2 Angel Rokoko
(2016), Katrineholm, Oaxaca, Pinhole camera photos, rusted tin, cedar wood,
bicycle ball-bearings. 120 cm diameter. 150 cm high., Edition: 1