
Curriculum vitae


2022-23 Dubbelgångarna BAS Konsthall Stockholm
2022 Shadows – hold their breath – Lusthuset, Spökparken, Stockholm
2021-2022 Drömmer minnen av ett nu, digital performance lecture on virtual tour in Sweden (commissioned by Sveriges konstföreningar)
2018 Marken under dina fötter, Arbetets Museum
2016 Los Hombres Que Se Caen, retrospective, Centro Fotográfico Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Mexico
2016 Faller bild faller skugga, Katrineholms Konsthall
2015 Ljubav je mesto, Uliks Gallery Astoria, Croatia
2014 Men That Fall, Institut Culturel Suédois, Paris, France
2014 Amor Es Un Lugar, The Woodlands Cemetery, Stockholm, Sweden
2013 Leonora’s Altare, Stockholm City Museum
2013 The Crossing of Two Lines, Centro Fotografico Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Mexico
2013 Amor es un lugar, Espacio Zegache, Oaxaca, Mexico
2011 Art Apps, Magasin 3, Stockholm, Sweden (invitational, curated by Rickard Juhlin)
2010 Caramujo Man, Plano B, Rio De Janeiro, Brasil (collaboration with Alê Souto)
2009 Movement no 6: To carry a child, Église Notre-Dame de Bon Secours, Brussels, Belgium, curated by Various Artists (V.A)
2009 Movement no 6: To carry a child, ID:I galleri, Stockholm, Sweden
2008 meanwhile-ondertussen-entre temps public installation, at L’Épicerie, Brussels, Belgium (invitational, curated by Various Artists (V.A))
2008 Extra, Extra Fantastique, KIBELA, Maribor, Slovenia (invitational, catalogue)
2008 Overklighetinstallation Candyland/Hammarby Art Port, Stockholm (invitational)
2007 Kids on the Slide Habiliteringen, Rosenlunds sjukhus, Stockholm (invitational, curated by P.O Hagström)
2007 Men That Fall & Women That Turn, Galerija Centrs Riga, Latvia (commissioned by Riga City Council)
2007 Familjen ID:I galleri, Stockholm, Sweden
2007 Konstvideo på blixtvisit, Stockholm, Sweden (public installation)
2006 Män som faller och kvinnor som vänder—i Hökarängen, Konsthall C, Stockholm (site-specific public installation)


2018 Dreaming the Memories of Now, 92 min fictional documentary.


2020 Best Director of a Feature Documentary, Film Fest International, Antwerp
2020 Best Cinematography, Cinema NY Film Festival
2020 Best Artistic Feature, Eurovision Palermo Film Festival
2019 Best Art Film, Reykjavik Visions Film Festival
2019 Best Documentary Jury’s Choice Award, Amsterdam World International Film Festival
2018 The Dziga Vertov Award for Documentary films, BlowUp FilmFest, Chicago
2018 Best European Film, The European Cinematography Awards
2018 Best Cinematography, ARFF BERLIN


2020 International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema, Milan
2020 Film Fest International, Antwerp
2020 International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema Belgium
2020 Madrid International Film Festival
2020 Nice International Film Festival
2020 4th Madrid Art Film Festival
2020 London International Filmmaker Festival
2020 5th Malta Film Festival
2019 5th Reykjavik Vision Film Festival
2019 Roma Film Awards 2019
2019 4th Austria International Film Festival
2019 World Film Festival, Los Angeles
2019 5th Annual Eurovision Palermo Film Festival
2019 6th Fine Arts Film Festival (FAFF)
2019 12th Beldocs Int. Documentary Film Festival
2019 18th Ozark Foothills Film Festival
2019 Eurocinema Film Festival
2018 Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design
2018 Istanbul Experimental Film Festival
2018 12th Blow-Up Int. Film Festival, Chicago
2018 Creative Image, Manchester
2018 8th On Art Film Festival Poland


2018 The Rabbitbird, mural and video projection, Hagalund, Solna
2015 Kinetic Chapel #5 Sveti Josip, Badljevina, Croatia
2013 Kinetic Chapel #4: Il Dulce Nombre, Zegache, Mexico
2012 Kinetic Chapel #3: Sveti Martin, Brecevici, Croatia
2012 Kinetic Chapel #2: Santa Ana, Zegache, Mexico
2011 Kinetic Chapel #1: Sveti Kristofor, Rab, Croatia


2025 Drottning inuti (with Charlotte Engelkes), Folkoperan
2023 Concerto di Figura (with Charlotte Engelkes), Elverket/Dansens Hus
2021-2022 Transplantation, Norrlandsoperan, Dansens Hus & on tour in Sweden and Germany (with Charlotte Engelkes)
2021-2022 Drömmer minnen av ett nu, digital performance lecture on virtual tour in Sweden (commissioned by Sveriges konstföreningar)
2013 Ad Nos Converte, Unesco Palace, Paris (commissioned by Swedish Radio P2)
2013 KIRA—I huset där jag bor, Opera scenography with Charlotte Engelkes and Anders Nilsson (commissioned by Västerås Symphony Orchestra)
2012 Being Boucalais real-time performance curated by Various Artists
2012 The Peregrini. 21 days on bike along a straight line from Koszalin, Poland to Rab, Croatia. (commissioned by EU Culture programme)


2025 Döda vinklar with Valentin Malmgren (projections, VR and installations)
10 April–18 June, BAS Konsthall, Järfälla
2013 Instruktioner för långflygning solo exhibition with Lapiztola (MX) at Candyland Stockholm.
2013 Fiesta de EITC—The Homecoming, Space In Between, Brussels, Belgium (Co-curators and artists)
2012 The Peregrini. A group of artist-collectors travelled 21 days on bike along a straight line from Koszalin, Poland to Rab, Croatia. (Co-curators and artists).


Centro Fotográfico, Oaxaca, Mexico
Katrineholms kommun, Sweden
Spritmuseum, Sweden
Historiska Museet, Sweden
Verket, Avesta, Sweden
Stockholm City Museum, Stockholm, Sweden
Papalote Museo del Nino, Cuernavaca, Mexico
Stockholms Landsting (Rosenlunds sjukhus), Sweden


2023 Switch Project, Nenagh, Ireland
2022 In Motion SEART, Superellipsen Sergels Torg, Stockholm
2021-22 InAbsentia Pavillion at thewrong biennale no. 5
2021 SEART 2021, Stockholm
2021 34 Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Germany
2021 Folk och Kultur, Eskilstuna
2020 Exposé 2020, Linköping
2017 ALC ALIF Photography Club, Fez, Morocco
2016 Höstsalongen Fotografiska, Stockholm
2015 Nutidskonst, Stefanskyrkan, Stockholm*
2015 Tingladography, Oaxaca, Mexico*
2014 Visualize the Invisible, Tullhuset/Botkyrka Konsthall
2014 Makaroni, MakaroniFabriken, Stockholm*
2013 Fiesta de EITC - The Homecoming, Space In Between, Brussels, Belgium
2013 Ta Plats! Dunkers Kulturhus, Helsingborg
2013 Ta Plats! Kungsbacka Konsthall
2013 7th Triennial of Contemporary art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2013 Hotel Resilients, Hotel Le Berger, Brussels, Belgium
2012 UnTied Notions, ID:I galleri, Stockholm
2012 Ta Plats! Jamtli museum, Östersund, Sweden
2012 Being Boucalais curated by Various Artists
2012 Ta Plats! Ludvika Konsthall, Sweden
2012 Ta Plats! Kulturens Hus i Luleå, Sweden
2012 Ta Plats! Sandvikens kommun, Sweden
2012 DEAF (Dutch Electronic Arts Festival)
2011 Ta Plats! Karlskrona Konsthall, Sweden
2011 Ta Plats! Stockholms länsmuseum, Sweden
2011 Space Matters, Karlskrona, Sweden*
2011 Japan Media Arts Festival, Osnabruck, Germany
2011 Otherwordly, Museum of Art and Design, New York
2010 Grolsch Block Party, Stocholm
2010 World Urban Forum in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (collab w. Patrick Qvist, commissioned by Riksantikvarieämbetet.)*
2010 EXPO, Shanghai, China (collab w. Patrick Qvist commissioned by Riksantikvarieämbetet.)*
2010 Ta Plats! Kulturhuset Stockholm, Sweden
2009 Casa Lamm Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico (curated by Pablo J. Rico)*
2009 Stockholms Kulturfestival, Sweden*
2009 Rädda Historien! Historiska museet, Stockholm, Sweden (collab. w. Patrick Qvist)*
2009 Hammarby ArtPort, Stockholm, Sweden*
2009 New Media Meeting, Norrköping, Sweden*
2008 Dans la nuit des images, Grand Palais, Paris* (invitational, curated by Alain Fleischer, Centre Pompidou)*
2008 amber’08 beden-islemsel sanatlar festival, Istanbul, Turkey
2008 The Swedish Ambassador’s Residency, Singapore*
2008 Illuminator, Koltsovo Airport, Yekaterinburg, Russia
2007 Konstnärshuset’s Showroom, Stockholm*
2007 B.A.N.G Universal Forum of the Cultures, Monterrey Mexico
2007 Interactive Salon, Brighton, UK
2007 Cologne Fine Art Fair, Paestum, Italy
2007 Interactive Salon, Prague, Czech Republic
2007 The Body Navigation Festival, St Petersburg, Russia
2007 Crossroads, Borås*
2006 10th Videomedeja festival, Museum of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia
2006 Generative Art conference, Milan, Italy
2006 LA Freewaves, Los Angeles, USA
2006 CanariasMediafest, Las Palmas Gran Canaria
2006 The Bargate Monument Gallery, Southampton
2006 PUB, (public space installation) Stockholm
2006 Close Encounters III, Alkantara Festival, Lisbon, Portugal
2006 Video Lounge, Konstnärshuset, Stockholm,
2006 Navinkifestival, Minsk, Belarus
2005 Konstfack, Stockholm*
2005 FutureDesignDays, Stockholm
2005 Arvika music festival*
2005 Tid och Rum, Verket, Avesta
2005 PixelAche festival, Kiasma, Helsinki, Finland
2005 Museum of contemporary art, Minsk, Belarus
2004 Bergvik’s galleria, Karlstad, Sweden (public installation)*

* invitational exhibitions


Brečević, G., and Brečević, R. (upcoming). “As it surely was – Remembrance and fanciful reveries from Post-War Yugoslavia”, Membrana, vol 3 2023.

Brečević, G., and Brečević, R. (2020) “Verfünfungseffekt—Delving into the enchanted world of multigraphs and self-partitioning.” Membrana Magic. vol. 5, no. 1 2020 04/04/2021

Brečević, G., and Brečević, R. (2019). “Crisis of presence,” entanglements, 2(2): 33-38.

Becker, K., Brečević G H. (2018) “More than a Portrait. The Photograph as Sculpture and Video Animation.” Membrana Augmented. vol. 3, no. 2 2018 05706/2020

Becker, K., Brečević G H. (2014) “Veneration and Wonder – Making Art Together in an Oaxacan Village.” Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, vol. 6, 2014.

Morrison, A., Brečević, R. Davies, A., Sem, I., Boykett, T., & Brečević, G.H. (2010). “Designing performativity for mixed reality installations”, Form Akademisk Vol 3, No 1 (2010): Research by Design. ISSN: 1890-9515

Morrison, A., Andersson, G., Brečević, R. & Skjulstad, S. (2009). “Disquiet in the plasma”, Digital Creativity. Vol. 20, Nr 1 & 2, 3-20. s. 3-20.

Andersson, G. H. (2005). “Play, performance and belief in contemporary ’perversive’ play” In: Proceedings of Space and Perception, international symposium on Mixed Realities, Rix-c in Riga, Latvia.

Andersson, G.H and Brečević, R. (2006) ”Should I look, or should I go? The on-screen choreography of player characters in responsive movies” In: Proceedings of the Mindplay Conference, London Metropolitan University, Great Britain, 20 January.

Andersson, G.H., Brecevic, R., Lorenzi, M., and Mishra, R. (2005) “Mirrorbox.” In: Proc. of the 9th Generative Art Conference, Politecnico di Milano University, Italy.


Becker, K., Brečević G H. (2019) ”Excavating the Fotoescultura”, Media Matter—Media-Archaeological Research and Artistic Practice, 27-29 November 2019 Stockholm,

Becker, K., Brečević G H. (2018) ”Illuminating Ephemeral Places”, ECREA Visual Cultures pre-conference, 31 October 2018, Lugano, Switzerland.

Becker, K., Brečević G H. (2018) ”Questioning the transparency of truth: The foto-escultura then and now”, PhotoMedia 2018: Helsinki, Finland, 26-28 March 2018.

Brečević G.H., Brečević, R., (2014) ”A Hand-Crafted Web of Personal Remembrance – Using vernacular photography and crocheting as a therapeutic tool,” ISPCN Research Conference, Bolnica Rab Croatia, 2014.

Brečević G.H., Brečević, R., (2014) “Visual documentation and the Creation of Art: ”Wonder and Veneration, 1-3” at Beyond the Frame: The Future of the Visual in an Age of Digital Diversity, hosted by The Nordic Research Network for Visual Digitality in Stockholm/Saltsjöbaden, Sweden 7-9 April 2014.

Becker, K., Brečević G H. (2013) “Zegache stories” at the Digital Narratives & Visual Knowledge Symposium, hosted by The Nordic Research Network for Visual Digitality in Hösterköbing, Denmark.

Becker, K., Brečević G. (2013) “Transmedial spaces, transmedial stories: Co-creating religious artefacts, The International Communication Association’s pre-conference on Transmedia Storytelling, London, June 17.
Also presented at a seminar in Gender Studies, Stockholm University, December 2013.

Brečević, G. H. (2012) “Performativity with and within moving imagery” ADIT 2012 conference Petrozavodsk, Russia.


Brečević, G. and Wik, A., ed. (2020) Levande Bilder – Levande Stad. 1st ed. Stockholm: Film Capital Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-519-5856-9

Becker, K., Brečević G. (2016) “Berättelser från Santa Ana” in Fiktion och Verklighet, Ed. L. Gemzöe, Makadam förlag.

Brečević G H., Brečević, R,. (2014) “A Hand-Crafted Web on Personal Remembrances” in: Visualize the Invisible Ed. L Alfreds, C. Åberg, Stockholm, Art Agent Press.

Brečević G H., Brečević, R., (2011) ”Cinésense – bilder som uppträder” in: Form och färdriktning – strategiska frågor för den konstnärliga forskningen. Årsbok KFoU / T. Lind. [ed] Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet. 146-174. Chapter in book, part of research anthology.

Brečević G H., Brečević, R., (2009) “UnReality Installation” in: Hammarby Artport A. Ribbung [ed], Katarina Tryck, Stockholm, 2009, ISBN 978-91-633-5073-3


Brečević G H., Brečević, R. Explanatory notes to a postliminal script of a film called Dreaming the Memories of Now (in progress)

Brečević G., Brečević, R. (2023) Dubbelgångarna och andra berättelser. Stockholm; Performing Pictures.

Brečević G H., Brečević, R. (2015) “A Timeless Recount of Hungover Reflections” in: You Say Light – I Think Shadow, (A. Stratimirovic and T Praun) Art and Theory Publishing.

Brečević G H., Brečević, R. (Performing Pictures) & Hine, D. (2013) The Crossing of Two Lines. London; Stockholm: Elemental Editions.

Andersson, G H., Brečević, R., Thunell, H. (2009) Performing Pictures Maribor: Association for Culture and Education Kibla. (Second Edition Tox. Year 13; No. 28)

Andersson, G H., Brečević, R., Gottlieb, H. & Nilsson, D. (2007) Electro Bacchanalia – a peep box and an interpretive tool for Old Masters’ paintings, ISBN: 978-91-85960-01-9

TEACHING & TUTORING (Geska Brečević)

2020-23 Handarbetets Vänner, Guest lecturer
2018 Konstfack Department of Visual Arts and Sloyd Education, Stockholm, Tutor, Masters’ Thesis.
2012-23 Konstfack, Department of Visual Arts and Sloyd Education, Stockholm, Guest lecturer “Art and research in dialogue” (1 week/year)
2014-16 LungA School of Art, Iceland Guest lecturer (2 weeks/year)
2011 The Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Stockholm, Guest lecturer
2011-12 Hyper Island, Course Director for the module Exploring Technology (1 month per year)
2001 Malmö University College, Course Director and Lecturer E.A.T (part-time 10 months)
1999 Malmö University College, dep. of Arts and Communication. Tutor for Master students

TEACHING & TUTORING (Robert Brečević)

2010-2020 Kungl. Konsthögskolan (Royal Institute of Art), Stockholm. Lecturer in fine arts.

2014-16 LungA School of Art, Iceland Guest lecturer (2 weeks/year)

2001-2002 Gotland University College, Visby. Lecturer in game development. Member of the Board for Artistic Development.


2020 Nya perspektiv på rörlig bild i stadsrummetSmart Kreativ Stad, Färgfabriken, Film Capital Stockholm
2019 Artificiellt betyder konst-gjort, seminar about art and AI for Konstnärernas Riksorganisation
2018 Stadens Ytor – Möten mellan rörlig bild och arkitektur, Film Capital Stockholm
2012 Comunitario Seminar at The Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm
2012 Redrawing the Map 4-day international workshop-on-bike, Stockholm
2011 Oaxaca Forum for Social Innovation Oaxaca, Mexico, Co-organised with SVA Design for Social Innovation, et. al., 3-day event.
2008 RagTag Video and Movies Sites—international seminar and workshop about video and public spaces, 4 days, Intercult, Stockholm
2006 Responsivity and moving images in public spaces, Konsthall C, Stockholm
2006 High – Definition or Chaparral? Seminar, Färgfabriken, Sweden.


2021 Konstnären och forskaren i fält Konstfack (University College of Arts and Design), Stockholm
2020 The Artist and Researcher in field Konstfack (University College of Arts and Design), Stockholm
2019 Art and Research in Dialogue Konstfack (University College of Arts and Design), Stockholm
2017 Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Karlskrona
2016 Konstfack (University College of Arts and Design), Stockholm
2016 Live animation –LungA Art School, Iceland
2015 Art and Research in Dialogue Konstfack (University College of Arts and Design), Stockholm
2015 Postapocalypse – LungA Art School, Iceland
2014 Changing Places: A Visit[ation] to Zegache Konstfack (University College of Arts and Design), Stockholm
2014 Apocalypse! LungA Art School, Iceland
2013 Dia de los Muertos Sthlm, Lava Kulturhuset/Stadsteatern, Stockholm.
2013 The Crossing of Two Lines – Open Lecture #2 Konstfack University College of Arts and Design, Stockholm.
2013 Animación estenopeica - un taller de escultura kinética. Master class at Centro Fotográfico Manuel Álvarez Bravo, Oaxaca, Mexico
2012 Changing Places: A Visit[ation] to Zegache Konstfack, Stockholm Sweden (Guest lecturer)
2011 The Making and ReMaking of Saints and Venerative Places, 7-day international workshop, Rab, Croatia as part of the Resilients project
2011 Lost and Found, Talleres Comunitarios de Zegache Santa Ana, Mexico.
2009 Virgen of Guadalupe, (2 weeks), Talleres Comunitarios de Zegache Santa Ana, Mexico
2009 The State of Change, Masterclass at TAMK/ Tampere Art Factory, Finland.
2007 The State of Change, Masterclass at the Academy of Fine Arts, on invitation from Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art (TICA), Albania
2006 Interactive video – Master course at Konstfack, Stockholm (2 weeks).


2014-2016 REVELATION / REVOLUTION – an art and film project set in South Mexico, where apparitions are a part of everyday life and where the divine presence leaves tangible traces in the physical world. The project resulted in the feature film Dreaming the Memories of Now. Funded by the Royal Academy of Arts and Konstnärsnämnden.

2011-2013 THE EUROAXACAN INITIATIVE OF TRANSFORMATIVE CULTURES (EITC) – was a European-Mexican collaboration running 2011-2013. The project, involving more than 70 artists and 20+ organizations, was a European-Mexican collaboration with the overall aim of serving as a catalyst of socio-economic transformations by means of transcultural production. The project was initiated and led by Performing Pictures and supported with a two-year grant by the EU Culture 2007 program, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, The Swedish Arts Council and Stockholms Stads Kulturförvaltning.

2011-2013 RESILIENTS brought together six European organisations and their networks, to address the issue of resilience by strengthening intercultural diversity and exchange. ‘Resilients’ are cultural workers of all ages preparing for uncertain futures, by studying and experimenting with new models of living and working as a form of artistic practice. Supported with a two-year grant by the EU Culture 2007 program, The Swedish Arts Council and Stockholms Stads Kulturförvaltning.

2010-2012 CHANGING PLACES was a three-year study, investigating how local and transnational events are mediated through public space, focusing on the screen practices that come into play as large format and handheld screens are used in areas of public life. The project was run at a collaboration between Stockholm University and Performing Pictures with support from the Swedish Science Council (Vetenskapsrådet).

2008-2009 SENSING CHANNELS brought together 3 artist groups from different parts of the Nordic region, with the aim of creating new works pushing the boundaries of the art of interactive video. The project was carried out Performing Pictures and supported by Nordic Culture Point.

2006-2008 CINÉSENSE was a three-year artistic research project in collaboration between Performing Pictures and Linköping University, with prof. Karin Becker as head of research. The goals of the project were to research and develop different narrative forms for interactive movies and to document the usage of these movies in an ethnographic study with a cultural theory perspective: how they are understood and how this understanding relates to the context. The project was initiated and led by Performing Pictures with support from the Swedish Science Council (Vetenskapsrådet).

2006-2009 GUILD FOR REALITY GENERATORS AND INTEGRATORS (gRig) was a group of European artistic and cultural operators who researched and created meaningful situations in hybrid reality, where digital media and physical materials, objects and spaces are increasingly intertwined. Initiated and led by FoAM Brussels and supported with a three-year grant by the EU Culture program.

2006-2007 WAVES investigated electromagnetic waves as the principal material – the medium – of media art. The project was run by the centre for new media culture RIXC in Riga in collaboration with co-organizers (OKNO/Belgium, TESLA/Germany, PROJEKT ATOL/Slovenia, ELLIPSE/France, Performing Pictures/Sweden) Supported with a one-year grant by the EU Culture program.