
KIRA – A short opera for a tall woman

An eerie modern fairytale about a new housing cooperative. A short opera for a tall woman. Performing Pictures (Geska Brečević & Robert Brečević) created a multimedial dollhouse scenography for the opera KIRA in collaboration with performance artist Charlotte Engelkes. The result is a visually surprising and wayward performance with lots of humor. World premiere October 10, 2013.


A new opera by and with Charlotte Engelkes

Composer: Anders Nilsson

Text: Sophie Holgersson

Stage design, videoinstallation, costume: Performing Pictures

A short opera for a tall woman and half a symphony orchestra. An eerie modern fairytale about a new housing cooperative where the only remaining tenant pays a high price for having stubbornly played Schubert at top volume at night.- What happens to the human community when public turns private and what happens to an old house when not even a ghost wantd to stay?,

10 October World Preimiere Västerås Konserthus

12 October Sala

13 October Uppsala Konsert och Kongress

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