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Följ med på en odyssé av storslagna inre och yttre drottningar i en majestätisk forskningsexpedition ledd av den internationellt kända regissören och performanceartisten Charlotte Engelkes. Det här är vårt femte samarbete, och i detta allkonstverk utformar vi rörelseporträtt av artisterna i naturliga - och onaturliga - miljöer.



An eerie mugshot displaying the hollow-eyed visage of an incarcerated helmsman in prison attire waited 63 years at the Národní archiv in Czechoslovakia to be discovered.


Journeying into the mythical space of the outlands of southern Mexico, visual artists Geska and Robert Brečević and their five-year-old daughter Katja unearth complex stories in which time, memory and nostalgia are continually reenacted. Dreaming The Memories of Now leads us through a stunning and profound exploration of the artistic process of creation and an ethereal declaration of love for a place. Stretching the genre of documentary, this experimental essay-film is a composition of far-ranging thoughts, sun-drenched images and scenes of mystery, guided by the poetic voice of the narrator.